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Frequently Asked Questions
Do you sell digital files?Unfortunately, we have had numerous instances of people stealing our art and selling it as their own, so we partnered with the Diocesan Library of Art to sell digital files!
I don't see a Gift Wrap option. Do you have one?Excellent question! While we do not have a gift wrap option explicitly listed, we always wrap all our packages as if they are gifts! You can always leave a note to us at the bottom of the cart page and we can put in a message of your choice!
Why are certain items only Pre-Order?To try and keep our prices as low as possible, we have to order a couple items we don't make ourselves in bulk. It naturally follows that we often have a lot of a particular Saint, color or size that is not as popular. To try and get around this "dead stock" we only purchase the items that customers have already ordered, therefore keeping our prices low, the quality high, and the Happy Saints smiling!
When will Pre-Order items be available/ship?We try to have them available exclusively for Christmas and Easter and ship them at least a month before. If you ordered items as well that are NOT pre-order, they will ship first and the pre-order items will ship separately later! As always, if you want a custom product or piece, do not hesitate to ask us!
Do you ever do art shows or conventions?We have in the past (it is always wonderful to see our customers), but we do not right now. Once we start to attend them again, we will keep you posted on our monthly newsletter!
Do you sell the Happy Saints anywhere else?We do. You can find us on Etsy (which we are trying to get off of due to their high fees), Diocesan Library of Art, and in a couple of Catholic stores around the Midwest and Florida!
Do you ship outside of the United States?Yes, we do! While we realize it is often expensive to purchase from across the world, we do offer free shipping over orders totaling $100. So if you are looking at multiple items, this would be best for you!
Do you give art lessons and/or tips?I do! I have just started giving online art lessons and I have a Patreon page as well! If you would like to learn more about the options available, please contact me!
How historically accurate are your Saints?They are extremely accurate! Every time Anna starts the process of creating a Saint, she reads about their life, researches the time period, takes notes on any descriptions available of their characters and physical appearance, and chooses colors that would have been available to them at that time! Any time she finds out more information, she goes back and either adds it in or completely redraws them!
Why are some of the Saints not dressed traditionally?I am glad you asked! One of the things Anna discovered when she started painting the saints was that often they are not pictured in the correct time period or clothing! Hence, she chose to paint saints like Rose of Lima, Maria Goretti, Dymphna, Brigid of Ireland, and Catherine of Siena in the clothing they actually wore!
Why are some of the Saints not wearing a habit?There is an interesting bit of history there! Until Saint Benedict, there was no formal habit for a religious! In place of what we consider a traditional habit, they would wear a very simplified form of whatever the fashion was at the time.
Do you offer custom products?Yes! We love to customize our products if possible to meet your vision! We have made posters, bookmarks, cards, and even changed the text on some of our prints!
Can you work with large institutions like schools and churches?Definitely! We have had numerous projects with both schools and churches! Sometimes they just want a large order and other times they have wanted completely new artwork and products for their classrooms or event!
Do you offer bulk/wholesale discounts?We do! We have it set up as a tier system so that ordering is possible for small parishes, schools, stores, etc! 25 prints - 10% off 50 prints - 15% off 100 prints - 20% off 150 prints - 25% off * The prints can be of any Saint, so you are not limited to just one Saint for all, say, 25 prints.
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