The little that we know of Elizabeth is found in the book of Luke. Elizabeth was a descendant of Aaron, the Old Testament priest, and was a kinswoman of Mary. Along with her husband, Zechariah, Elizabeth lived a peaceful and devout life in a hill town in Judea. For many years she had prayed for a child, but as they were becoming old, it became accepted that she was barren and would never bear any offspring.
One day, while Zechariah was serving in the temple, the Angel Gabriel appeared to him and announced that a son would be born to Elizabeth. Zechariah was highly skeptical of such seemingly impossible news, and he was subsequently rendered mute until the prophecy would be fulfilled.
While Elizabeth was in the sixth month of her pregnancy, the Virgin Mary came to visit and help her. Upon seeing Mary arrive, Elizabeth, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, greeted her and said, "Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And how have I deserved that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, the moment that the sound of thy greeting came to my ears, the babe in my womb leapt for joy. And blessed is she who has believed, because the things promised her by the Lord shall be accomplished."
It was during this three-month-long visit from Mary, that Elizabeth gave birth to her son. Great was the delight of their friends and family at such a wondrous blessing. When the time came to name the child, however, all were confused as to why Elizabeth had chosen the name of John, instead of naming him after her husband, Zechariah. Zechariah, after confirming the name of John by writing on a tablet, instantly regained his voice and began blessing God. After these tidings, no more is spoken of the mother of John the Baptist, the last of the Old Testment prophets.
This print is part of the "Happy Saint" collection by Anna Morelli.
The image is professionally printed, hand-signed by the artist, and comes enclosed in a plastic sleeve to ensure protection.
Saint Elizabeth, Mother of John
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